Also, vehicle repairs are pretty expensive in higher tier, so dont die. Not to mention it is very anonying when you have an inactive player, which is a big problem. And since you probally dont have much left after buying a new tank, you probally will not have enough to buy equipment, which Again is very expensive. No to mention it takes a long time to train crew and provisions, and consumables eat away at any profit you make during a game. It is 256k for xp, and 6mililion siver for the E100. a Tier X is basicly just asking you to pay. I get an average of 2000 dmg in my tier IX E75, but I never make a profit, or a very little profit, because ammunition is so expensive. Rather, when you get to higher tiers, it is VERY expensive. The game doesn't have too many flaws such as glitches, cheaters, etc. The game mechanics itself is great, I have been playing for about a year, and I am nearly at tier X (the E100). I will say I liked the game much more without the unrealistic camos and tanks, but they add an interesting mix. Wanna deal with pesky light tanks? Get the kv-2 ) premium tanks just have slightly more pros than cons.

You just have to learn how to get better at the game. I have played blitz and the regular version of world of tanks (on pc) for over 4 years. Just going to let you know that I am NOT someone who has played for 2 months and decide to write a reveiw. After that just wait until reload and repeat. You will do more damage to them then they can do to you. Once they shoot (if they hit you or not) pull out, aim, and fire. If your gun has high damge per shot and the premium tank has a low damage gun try to make them shoot at a small part of your tank by peeking out from around a buidling slightly. Try flanking the enemy tank or peek-a-boo tactic. Your never going to win a battle with a premium tank if you just sit out in the open and shoot take a hit shoot take a hit. Premium tanks on paper are better than their regular counterparts, but they still have weaknesses. Second you have to learn how to fight against every tank. First you can't actually win the game you just have fun blowing other peoples tanks up and trying to get to high tier. I have no idea why people keep calling this a pay to win game.