Translating the list was never a priority as the plug-ins themselves are in English. The only disadvantage of this is that the potential (unused) mechanism for translating the plug-ins list is lost. The outdated list of Nyquist plug-ins at has now been removed. We are currently working on unifying the old Nyquist plug-in documentation on the main Audacity website and the updated information in the German forum into one single place here in the Wiki. XLISP documents collection - XLISP is the programming language Nyquist is based on.Nyquist 2.37 Reference Manual - the latest Nyquist manual using all LISP syntax.Nyquist 3.02 Reference Manual - the latest Nyquist manual, most functions described in terms of SAL syntax.Official Audacity Nyquist plug-in documentation.Writing your own Audacity Nyquist plug-ins.Removing vocals from a stereo recording.Audio loops with Nyquist - simple loop and echo effects.Increasing/decreasing treble and bass - simple equalizer.Changing the volume with a low frequency generator - tremolo effect.Changing the volume with envelopes - fade in, fade out, etc.

Changing the Volume of the left and right stereo channels independently.Changing the volume of an Audacity audio track.Changing the Volume - in different ways.The Audacity Nyquist Prompt - how it works.Experiments from the Audacity Nyquist prompt: